Blog - Chat Afrika
Oct 26
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X Factor
Latest internal news.
It has been brought to my attention that the establishment; the so called x-factor exists for the sole purpose of deceiving the people of color who originally are equipped with all necessary musical bio equipments for the edification and the progression of humanity toward the next circle, the deception mythology is as follow:
- Music tone which was originally for the purification and re-uniting of the conscious self with the Sub-conscious self has been re-tuned to a lighter version to reflect the very nature of the Caucasian.
- Lightening of the re- intonation and moving from or changing of the tone standard from one dimension to other note dimension by the music industries controllers is a deliberate attempt to manipulation the music industries to enable the Caucasians to take part and be acknowledged as better singers and performance in comparism to people of color
- Lightning or the re-intonation was also adopted for the purpose of reducing the healing effect it has mostly on people of color. (Yes Music Heals Do your Research)
- Vibrational connectivity frequencies were monitored, measured and re modulated to fit their agenda. The Intent is; after the migration from real music to this lightened, dispirited musical type, we will eventually be made to think and believe we are incapable of competing in the music production and therefore eventually decommissioned.
What will follow our dispirited attitude would be a total neglect and loss of interest in this line of practice in question, as this is the nature of people of color (we tend not to waste energy in aspects that we are not proficient or interested in.)
Now why is all this happening?
What is the Motive?
Music controls a huge part the world this was a recent discovery hence the implementation of the above actions.
Prior to this it was thought that controlling our bio rhythms through re-programming the cells will do the job in the quest to gaining full control over our soul in this life time maybe the next.
However it was discovered that disrupting our bio-rhythms by way of interrupting with the Soma Cell and or Germ Cells programming was not sufficient enough for the mission at hand.
Amongst many other factors lays the subject of musical disruption of the consciousness, and this is the latest project on their agenda.
If you notice these guys are very careful not to offend the black public; as any attempt to do so will offend and withdraw interest from the x-factor.
Apart from the fact that interest paves the wale for the validation of this madness, it also pays the bills.
It is imperative that we take part in this bull-shit; as by us taking part we authorize through our ancestral energy the game that is being played on the world.
Why do you refuse to see the game that is being played on you?
Why do you constantly ignore the blatant fact for your entertainment?
Do you not see how the x-factor is supposed to be multicultural event, and how it stands that the Caucasians end up being the bigger winner in this game?
Yes there was a black winner in one competition out of many to come; but what is the deal with our lady filling up the dance back ground with white males in her release, are you saying there are no huge masculine black African men to take this part.
Are you people blind or am I just racist?
Then again can I be racist?
No it is not a game of race some would say, whilst that is true, it is also true that it is.
Do you really believe it in your hearts that if x-factor was to play a fair game that you would have any Caucasian in x-factor’s competition? Well re-wind back your history...Also try finding out while you are at it; why music is depreciating instead of improving and appreciating...
More to come
Chaos By Nature.....
Refrain from shooting The Messengers in other to avoid a rebound......
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now thats an eye opener there
somethn to think about